Friday, 28 August 2009

Goodbye to Texas!

On my way to Chicago from San Antonio (via Dallas) after the Tessitura conference. Anyone unfamiliar with the phenomenon that is Tessitura, will find it difficult to grasp the sheer level of enthusiasm and outright geekiness that infuses this conference each year.

Basically it's a gathering of 100's of arts people who use this ticketing system that's geared specifically towards to the arts and the unique needs of the industry. Lots of interesting seminars, round-table discussions and sharing of ideas. Good stuff.

I had a great time with the rest of the POP team. Always amazing to interact with colleagues I usually only email or talk to on the phone. And to meet people from the arts orgs we work with is always a pleasure. And these people know how to have a good time too, which always makes for a memorable experience.

Trying this mi-air internet thing for the first time and it's been amazing so far. most impressed!